About Real Wealth Group
Through Real Wealth Group’s webinars, we aim to empower clients to live the life that they want, and you, their trusted professional, are the key. Each webinar discusses a slice of what makes a holistic financial plan, providing you with sales tips, state-of-the-art tools, and resources on how to take action. We collaborate with our members, because we believe 1 + 1 = 11. Together, we can deliver stronger holistic solutions.
Meet Our Team
Jim Silbernagel
Jim, creator of Real Wealth Group and host of our monthly webinars, is a financial advisor himself with over 35 years of experience in the financial industry. Ever since reading the published reports of a negative savings rate in our country, Jim has had a passion to improve our nation’s financial literacy.
His mission through Real Wealth Group is to be a positive catalyst for change and to motivate fellow industry professionals to spread the word. He understands the concerns and questions that both clients and advisors have, and brings solutions and answers to the table with Real Wealth. To continue to spread this message, Jim travels around the country speaking on various financial topics, including CPE and CE sessions. He is also passionately active with industry gamechangers like MDRT TOT and NAIFA.
Joanne Silbernagel
First Lady
Joanne is fantastic, and the perfect person to lead the Real Wealth Team along with her husband, Jim. Joanne has been the biggest supporter of our entire mission and purpose since inception, and has been involved in the development every step of the way. Joanne loves to help out with any project or challenge the team may be facing, and even runs the Main Street Philanthropy program in a local high school, which promotes financial literacy, leadership, and purpose in today’s youth.
Angela Bellanti
Production Director
Angela has been with Real Wealth Group since 2014 after graduating with her Bachelor’s in Marketing. She came on board under her father, Jim Silbernagel, and worked her way to become Real Wealth Group’s Director. There, she developed a passion for helping industry professionals grow their practices.
However, Angela’s philosophy is that the peaks of mountains cannot be reached alone. Her true passion is in being able to spread the tools and strategies she’s learned to help others in the industry. Angela regularly attends and speaks at 20+ conferences, seminars, and online workshops each year to continue expanding her knowledge. In her spare time, Angela loves to play board games, practice with her ukulele band “Ukerazy,” play beach volleyball in the summer, and host a monthly Book Club with her friends.
Erin Embry
Production Specialist
Erin has worked with the Real Wealth Team since 2022, starting off as an assistant before working up to being a specialist of all things Real Wealth! When it comes to our monthly webinars, Erin’s there behind the scenes every step of the way, from strategizing for the most impactful guests, to answering your questions during the live sessions. Her detail-oriented mindset and passion to continually stretch her creative muscles are key to producing our content to its best!
She currently lives in California and when she’s not at work, likes to spend time with her dogs, go to the beach, and get into an array of artistic hobbies – singing, writing, acting, you name it!
Interested In Joining Our Team?
Send us a message with this form!